Menu - Header user menu

Menu shown in the right side of header, with the thumbnail


<bklo-c-menu-user displayName="John Doe" 
        icon: 'far fa-user', 
        text: 'Profile', 
        action: () => alert('Edit profile clicked!') 
    :logout="() => $'/')" 


Name Type Default Required Description
avatar string no URL to avatar image. If empty, shown a random image from
displayName string null no User first name and/or last name (or anything else)
items array null no Other menu items
itemClass string, array null Class for other menu items
logoutText string Logout no Input type field (eg. text, number, etc)
logoutClass string, array null Class for logout link
logout Function null yes Function called when an user clicks on Logout link


Name Params Description
opened null Fired when the user open the menu.
closed null Fired when the user close the menu.


Name Description
menu Menu shown before logout link
Last Updated: 5/6/2019, 11:33:59 AM