Auth - Password component

This is the component that implements the password reset UI and logic.


<bklo-c-auth-password @onSuccess="alert('Please check your mailbox!')" />


Name Type Default Required Description
emailLabel string E-mail no Email field label.
emailField string email no Email field name for submit data object.
emailEmpty string Your email address no Email field placeholder.
resetText string Reset password no Reset password button text.
resetUrl string /password/reset no Reset password POST url: it will use standard Laravel login route by default.
loginText string Sign In no Login button text.
loginUrl string /login no Login POST url: it will use standard Laravel login route by default.
submitClass string, object null no Submit button class
loginClass string, object null no Login link class
submit Promise null no Override component password reset submit function.
hideFooter bool false no Hide the component footer.
validations object { email: { required, email } } no Validate model using Vuelidate


Name Params Description
onSubmit data Called when the submit button is clicked and there are no validation errors.
onInvalid errors Fired when the reset process can't start for login validation errors.
onFails errors Fired when the reset process fails.
onSuccess data Fired when the reset process succeded.


Name Description
footer Component below the login panel. Default value present a copyright.
Last Updated: 4/19/2019, 5:16:47 PM